like the title just said, we have a newcomer!acanecanineartist,(is that how you spell it?) which is really exciting! he has a deviantart full of pertifull pictures, and he uses the word derp alot(just like me!!!~), so he seems pretty cool! so,(this is to acanecaninearttist): hi!!!! welcome to the forums!!!sorry im using so many !s, i had to much sugar for lunch. but anyways, have fun in newepoch! and dont swollow nuclear bombs while doing that!
Well thanksss XDD I'll keep in mind that I shouldn't swallow many nuclear bombs, that's probably not very good for your health, and it might give you the swine flu. -derpfullness- lol
"Sticks and Stones will Break my Bones, but Even Through Death I will Withstand the Pain."
Wow guys, no need to fight over my gender here! (Even though Kyle is right, it is an extremely overused typo and I am called a male online more than I am called female.) I honestly don't mind, no need to get... Peevish... **..Shakespeare..**
Speaking of Shakespeare.. (and yes, I know this is off topic so please don't murder me.) I'm going to be performing in the Shakespeare festival in Cedar City next week, my drama class is going to be doing a scene from the Comedy of Errors (If I'm not mistaken) and it will be amazing! We're going to be staying in a hotel and we are going to be judged by judges! So if you'd like to come... That would be really great. Support is absolutely fantastic, right? :))
"Sticks and Stones will Break my Bones, but Even Through Death I will Withstand the Pain."