Ben, you NEED to sign up for this one please please please?
With the "randomness" switch in Ben's secret lab turned on, the world has undorgone major changes. Full of danger, laughs, and, of course, RANDOMNESS!
First Name: Last Name: Gender: Age: Appearance:
Gun Choice: "Large weapons" means grenade launchers, rocket launchers, mini-guns, etc., which are powerful but heavy and difficult to come across. All characters start with a standard hand-gun as well. The pistol proficiency includes magnums. Melee Weapon: (Knife, blunt weapons, large bladed weapons, or fists. "Fists" consists of unarmed combat as well as weapons meant to enhance it (brass knuckles, etc.) Everything that applies with guns applies here as well.) Ability: Everything else has a random power, so why can't you?
Gun Ability: Melee Ability: Special Ability: (Distribute five points through these categories. You gain an additional two points every level up.) Non-Combat Abilities: (These help flesh your your character's personality a little, and should enhance role-playing, giving you an alternative to fighting if you so desire. You have five points to distribute. You do NOT gain non-combat ability points on level up, so choose wisely.)
Medicine (First Aid ability, using herbs, pills and drugs, etc.) Computer Skills: Stuff like Ben! Stealth (Sneaking, stealing, pick-pocketing, etc.) Speech (Diplomacy, persuasiveness) Mechanics (Repair of guns and armor, and physical non-computer machinery.)
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
"Life is a game, Order. And I'm winning." --Discord, "Order and Chaos".
First Name: Nicholas Last Name: Cage Gender:male Age: 14 Appearance: black hair, green eyes Gun Choice: AK-47
Melee Weapon: elbow-to-hand knife Ability: Can move and think extremely fast, so the rest of the world is in slow motion Gun Ability:1 Melee Ability:1 Special Ability:3